Senior College and the CoVid 19 pandemic:

The Coronavirus pandemic lead us to cancel events in March and April. The need to shelter in place generated a corresponding desire for ongoing collegial interaction, albeit at a distance. Senior College moved successfully to on-line programming with a rich mixture of Wednesday talks, colloquia, book club meetings and Coffee hours over the summer months.

Currently, the Faculty Club will remain closed indefinitely and Senior College Centre is not accessible. Consequently, Senior College will maintain its on-line status via Zoom for Program events, meetings and the 2020 Symposium which will take place on November 30th. Attendance requires registration and the use of a link to the Zoom meeting which will be sent to you by e-mail.

The Senior College Administrator, Vennese Croasdaile, will continue to work from home. Her work hours are 8:45am-5:00pm Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and she may be reached by e-mail at

Stay well,

Michael Hutcheon