Principal’s Message
Welcome to the website of Senior College at the University of Toronto. Senior College is an organization consisting of all retired Faculty and Librarians of the University. It maintains SC Centre at 256 McCaul St on the 4th floor. This space is available to all members and is used for art shows, meetings and monthly colloquium discussion groups.
The College mounts a vibrant academic program consisting of weekly lectures, a monthly book club, and a yearly symposium. Various more informal, social activities such as Coffee hour discussions and “Meet your colleagues” allow participants to get to know each other. The key feature of SC is the diversity of career backgrounds of its Members and Fellows and the range of perspectives this diversity brings. Please explore the “Events” button to view our past, present and forthcoming activities.
As it appears that the Covid-19 pandemic is receding and public health restrictions are in the process of lifting we have returned to the Faculty Club for Wednesday lectures. We continue to mask, distance and everyone is vaccinated. What is different, of course, is that we are developing aa hybrid presentation with some attendees at home on Zoom. This allows members a choice of how they wish to participate. It also allows programming to go to out of town Fellows who could not have previously accessed it. We are recognizing differences with the hybrid model and actively refining our approach to make it equally enjoyable whether in-person or on line.
We are looking to re-open Senior College Centre which may allow for meetings and colloquia to return in person. The Book Cub has exceeded the size limitations of SCC and will remain on-line.
The last two years have been challenging and busy for SC but also quite successful in many ways. One thing is for sure – it’s never boring at the College.
Michael A. Hutcheon MD FRCPC
Principal, Senior College