SC Wednesday Talk: Speaker: J. Gottfried Paasche, Sociology, York U Title: “The German Aristocracy and Their Resistance, or Lack of, to Hitler and the Nazis: The case of General Kurt von Hammerstein and Three of his Daughters.” March 15, 2023, 2-4pm
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March 15, 2023 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
March 15, 2023
Speaker: J. Gottfried Paasche, Sociology, York U
Title: “The German Aristocracy and Their Resistance, or Lack of, to Hitler and the Nazis: The case of General Kurt von Hammerstein and Three of his Daughters.”
Introducer: TBA
Abstract: The speaker is the grandson of Hans Paasche, pacifist, assassinated in 1920 by Nationalist German soldiers and of General Kurt von Hammerstein, Chief of the German Army 1932-34. His talk will be based on his recently published book: Hammersteins Töchter: Eine Adlige Familie Zwischen Tradition und Wiederstand (Metropol Verlag, Berlin, 2022).
Bio: Gottfried Paasche is Professor Emeritus and Senior Scholar, Department of Sociology, York University. Born in Japan, he emigrated to the US in 1948, studied at UC Berkeley, Antioch College and the University of Michigan. He accepted the position at York in 1961. Please see the relevant article in the New York Review of Books:
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The deadline to register is the Monday before the event at noon. The Zoom link will be sent to registrants only.