Speaker: Chandrakant Shah, Dalla Lana School, U of T; Clinical Coordinator of Anishnawbe Health Title: “Settlers’ Role in Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples”
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September 28, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Talks for fall 2022: Wednesdays at 10 am (in person at Faculty Club and on ZOOM)
Registration will open a few weeks before the event.
Speaker: Chandrakant Shah, Dalla Lana School, U of T; Clinical Coordinator of Anishnawbe Health
Title: “A Settlers’ Role in Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples”
Introducer: Mary Chipman
Abstract: As a first-generation immigrant in 1965, I was a completely unaware of Indigenous Peoples of Canada until 1974. However, I was fortunate to become a part of Visiting Medial Consultant of the Sioux Lookout Program of the University of Toronto which provided me with the insight of the adverse conditions faced by Indigenous peoples in Canada. I became a lifelong ally and was able to establish four programs to address some of the inequities faced by Indigenous Peoples. In my presentation, I will talk about these four programs: i) Visiting Lectureship in Indigenous Health leading to Establishment of Endowed Chair in Indigenous Health and Wellbeing, first of its kind in Canada and leading to the development of Indigenous Health Institute at DLSPH; ii) in 1991 my letter writing campaign to Feds and other social organization for changing the contents of Citizenship Examination Booklet about Indigenous People leading to desired change in 1994 which has led to learning more about Indigenous people by new Canadians (approx 4.2 million) over last 28 years – two decades before #93 Recommendation by Sinclair Commission; iii) my research study on Premature Deaths in Indigenous Peoples in Toronto leading to development of the Toronto’s First Indigenous Health Strategy (2016-2021) by Indigenous Communities with Toronto Public Health and Toronto Central Local Integrating Health Network; iv) in 2008, my environment scan of teaching of Indigenous health in health sciences program across the health sciences program in Ontario’s Colleges and Universities with annual enrolment over 47,000 students revealed almost nonexistent of Indigenous content in Colleges and very cursory content in few Universities, mainly due to lack of available Indigenous preceptors. I acquired a grant for Indigenous professors to develop Indigenous Cultural Safety teaching modules and train 25 Indigenous preceptors across Ontario to deliver this program which was very popular amongst learners. I also had few failures in promoting Indigenous health and why I failed will be discussed.
BIO: Chandrakant P. Shah, M.B.B.S., FRCPC, S.M. (Hyg.), O.Ont. Dr. Sc. (Hon) Professor Emeritus, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto; Honorary Staff Physician, The Hospital for Sick Children; Honorary Consultant Physician, Anishnawbe Health Toronto; Board Member, Anishnawbe Health Foundation.President Meric Gertler summarized my career as follows: “The degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa, is offered to you in recognition of your outstanding service to the public good, as a pioneering leader in public health education, a passionate advocate for Indigenous Peoples, and a champion of equity and inclusion. The development of public health as a discipline at the University of Toronto and across Canada bears the unmistakable hallmark of your profound influence, helping set the standards by which public health physicians are trained. Your efforts to promote scholarship and education in Indigenous health, and improve services for First Nations populations, anticipated the Truth and Reconciliation Commission by decades. Your remarkable career has earned you friends and admirers throughout the nation, and perhaps especially at the University of Toronto.”
The link to register is https://forms.office.com/r/Fa2eHdUniH
The deadline to register is the Monday before the event at noon. The Zoom link will be sent to registrants only.